Quick recipe finder Cinnamon ice cream
By Neil Perry From Saturday Kitchen
- 1L/1¼pt milk
- 40g/1½oz cassia bark
- 50g/2oz glucose
- 50g/2oz sugar
- 8 egg yolks
- 4 whole eggs
- 350g/12oz caster sugar
- 1L/1¼pt single cream
- Note: This recipe originally uses Australian measurements. Equivalent measurements are as accurate as possible. This recipe makes 2L/3½pt.
Bring the milk, sugar, glucose and cassia bark to the boil.
Over a bain marie, warm the egg yolks, whole eggs and sugar.
Add the boiling liquid to the egg mixture pour it back into the pot and cook out to ribbon consistency using a wooden spoon.
Cool the mixture over ice and add the cream.
Infuse the mixture until the flavour is subtle. Strain.
The mixture is now ready to churn in the ice cream machine. Be careful not to over churn or it will become very icy and the butter will separate.