
Chilled pea and mint soup

18th July 2016 - Recipes

Quick recipe finder Chilled pea and mint soup

A classic refreshing chilled soup with the fresh flavours of summer. Allow plenty of time to get the soup really cold.


To serve


  1. Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the spring onions, garlic, and bacon and gently cook for 5-7 minutes or until the spring onions are soft but not brown.

  2. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil. Add the peas, bring back to the boil and reduce to simmering point. Stir in the

  3. lettuce and mint. Continue to cook for 2-3 minutes or until the peas are tender.

  4. Blend the soup mixture in a liquidiser or hand blender until smooth. Season to taste. If using a liquidiser do not overfill your container and cool the soup mixture slightly before blending. Pour into a large bowl and allow to cool. Cover and chill for four hours or overnight.

  5. To serve, spoon the soup into chilled soup bowls. Spoon a tablespoon of the cream into the soup and top with a sprig of mint before serving.

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